Dementia and Alzheimer's Prevention Strategies

Why Your Tomato Plant Leaves Are Turning Yellow [Video]

Whether you enjoy your tomatoes fresh in your favorite dish or have plans to preserve them for later consumption, a healthy plant is essential for producing top-notch produce. So what happens when you notice yellow leaves—and more importantly, what do you do to correct it?  While it might take a bit of sleuthing to uncover the exact cause, our experts are here to offer guidance to save your crop. 

Unfortunately, there isn’t one definitive cause when it comes to yellow leaves on your tomato plant. You’ll need to be a bit of a detective to uncover what’s causing your specific problem, but here are some of the most widespread culprits.


It might seem basic, but one of the most common reasons your tomato leaves are yellow may be due to overwatering. Tomato plants require just the right amount of moisture—too much can be as equally destructive as too little. 

Lack of Nitrogen

The primary thing that causes tomato leaves to …

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