Dementia and Alzheimer's Caregiving

Vivo & Africa Creative’s Vegas Generation platform for kids adobo Magazine [Video]

SAO PAULO, BRAZIL — As children and young people are increasingly immersed in interactive worlds, especially in the online gaming universe, global studies indicate that a child can spend even more time and money and experience more anxiety than a professional gambler. With this scenario, Vivo and Africa Creative, with the technical support of the Regional Psychology Council of São Paulo (CRP-SP), have created a platform to create more conscious consumption of online games by younger audiences.

Thus, Vegas Generation was created to help parents, guardians, caregivers, and educators promote a more healthy, responsible approach to children’s online gaming activity. Vegas Generation serves as a clear guide that can help detect problematic usage of online games by children, which has concerned parents, caregivers, educators, and young people’s advocates worldwide. Additionally, Vegas Generation’s platform provides caregivers with access to relevant information on the subject.

“Vivo is a brand that seeks to create constructive dialogues …

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