UNICEF, together with partners, and thanks to the support of the LEGO Foundation, is testing a new Caring for the Caregiver training package in Serbia

Jelena Terzić

Serbia – Aleksandra Ignjatovic from Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, is the mother of three-year-old Kan. He’s a curious boy with long, brown curls and big eyes. Aleksandra is also a preschool teacher. At work, she takes care of dozens of boys and girls every day. But at home, she often felt guilty and tired.

“I was always stressed. I would get irritated about the smallest things. I thought I had to do everything by myself and I was trying to do so. I would find time for my child, but even then, I was thinking about all the [other] things I had to do. I could never relax,” recalls Aleksandra.

UNICEF Srbija/2021/Pančić

Often exhausted, stressed, and lacking support, parents struggle to provide a nurturing and stimulating environment …