FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART I
FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART I

SHOCKING Video Evidence Shows Donald Trump’s Shocking Cognitive Decline

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SHOCKING Video Evidence Shows Donald Trump’s Shocking Cognitive Decline

Meidas Touch has put out a new video that highlights some of Donald Trump’s blunders in recent years, showcasing just how bad his brain has gotten. In the clips, Trump repeatedly gets names and events completely wrong, sometimes multiple times in a single sentence. But these clips together barely scratch the surface of Trump’s failing cognitive state, and voters need to start paying attention to the fact that this man is completely broken. Farron Cousins discusses this.

Link – https://newrepublic.com/post/182908/video-trump-cognitive-decline-memory-issues?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=SF_TNR

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The media has finally, in recent months, been paying attention to the fact that Donald Trump’s cognitive abilities are clearly falling off the map. He keeps forgetting people’s names, he keeps forgetting events that took place, doesn’t know who he’s actually running against. And the good folks over at Midas Touch decided to put together a super cut of videos. It’s over three minutes long. I’m not gonna show the whole thing, but they put together this amazing super cut that shows the shocking decline in Donald Trump’s cognitive abilities due to the fact that he can’t remember basic things that are fairly common knowledge. But anyway, here is just a sampling of what Midas Touch put together. Take a look.

I think he should take a cognitive test like I did. I took a cognitive test and I aced it. Doc Ronnie, doc Ronnie Johnson. Does everyone know Ronnie Johnson? Congressman from Texas? He was the White House doctor. How good did Elise step in that game? You know, we’ve endorsed Dr. Oz, we’ve endorsed jp, right? JD Mandel, and he’s doing great. Jimmy Connors is Jimmy. Jimmy Connors is Scooter. These are also happy. Mike Bolton. John Bolton is here. Mike Bolton, as you know, is in Russia, and there was progress today. I look forward to solving it. Thank you, Steve. It was Trump’s fault. It’s always Trump’s fault. Can it ever be like Rick Gates’ fault? I mean, uh, it’s always Trump’s fault, Rick, by the way. They never report the crowd on January 6th. You know, Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley, you know, they did, you know, they destroyed all of the information, all of the evidence, everything deleted and destroyed all of it.

All of it because of lots of things. Like Nikki Haley is in charge of security. We offered her 10,000 people. Uh, we have some of our great business leaders and leaders, period, right behind me. Uh, I may ask Marilyn Lockheed, uh, we appreciate it very much. Tim Apple. Yes, please, Mr. Curd. Thank you very much for your time. You know what was interesting? Joe Biden won against Barack Hussein Obama. Has anyone ever heard of him arrest their leading political opponent leading by a lot, including Obama? Put, I’ll tell you what, you take a look at Obama and take a look at some of the things that he’s done and Putin, you know, has so little respect for Obama that he’s starting to throw around the nuclear war theory. You heard that nuclear,

Again, full credit for that goes to the good folks over at Midas Touch. They do phenomenal work. Um, they’ve, you know, absolutely exploded, uh, with subscriber numbers, view counts, all that in recent years. Um, and I, I interviewed those guys actually back on Ring of Fire when they were first kind of getting started. So it’s amazing to see just how big, uh, they’ve become. Obviously much bigger than me at this point, but I love what they do over there. And that video is phenomenal. And as I mentioned, it actually continues going, like that’s only about half of it that I just showed you. There is so much more. And even that, if you were to watch the full thing, which you can find in the link in the description of this video, it’s still doesn’t even show the full picture of how bad Trump’s brain is.

They would have to put together a video that would take days and days to watch because Donald Trump’s brain is just melting into mush at this point. He doesn’t know where he is. He doesn’t know who he is, he doesn’t know who his friends are, right? Rick Gates, Ronnie Johnson, Nikki Haley, Nancy Pelosi, I don’t know which one is which, but Obama Biden, I don’t know. They’re both, both very similar looking guys, right? This is the man that wants his hands on the nuclear codes.

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