Dementia and Alzheimer's Caregiving

Near Miss of the Day 911: Campervan tourist narrowly squeezes past cyclists, forcing oncoming driver to brake heavily but escapes punishment after returning to Italy [Video]

Most of the time on Near Miss of the Day, when a driver manages to escape punishment – or get away with a mere slap on the wrist – for close passing and narrowly avoiding a cyclist, it’s usually down to a questionable, or sometimes completely non-existent, approach exhibited by the local police force towards the safety of people riding bikes on the road.

This time, however, it’s because the close pass motorist simply returned home to Italy. reader Stephen was cycling the Hebridean Way, a spectacular 190-odd mile route through Scotland’s Outer Hebrides and a magnet for touring cyclists over the past decade, earlier this month when he and another cyclist were close passed on their return leg through Skye by a fellow tourist and campervan driver, in a highly dangerous manoeuvre that forced an oncoming driver to almost come to a halt to avoid a collision.

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