Dementia and Alzheimer's Personal Stories

June Jefferson Award Winner: Ashley Tasker [Video]

BRIDGEPORT, W.Va. (WDTV) – Once a month, WDTV and Antero Resources award one deserving community member with a Jefferson Award. For the month of June, we’re honoring Ashley Tasker.

Ashley Tasker has a passion for volunteering that was instilled in her from a very young age.

“I come from a family of givers, you know. It’s a family value that’s instilled in just helping others,” Ashley said.

Ashley doesn’t volunteer for the recognition but instead for the impact it has on the local community.

“People who are giving back to the community that connection it provides overall increased personal well-being and longevity so it is it is on a personal level too like it makes my heart warm,” Ashley said. “I’m here I feel like on earth to like give back and make some sort of an impact.”

Ashley volunteers for many committees. Her biggest one is for the United …

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