
How Your Genetics Effect Medication [Video]

How Your Genetics Effect Medication

Careblazers, I’m thrilled to share an enlightening conversation with Dr. Adrijana Kekic, a top expert in pharmacogenomics. We dive into how our unique genetic makeup can significantly influence the way we respond to medications, challenging the common one-size-fits-all approach to prescribing. This discussion is packed with crucial insights on the power of pharmacogenomic testing to prevent misdiagnoses and enhance treatment effectiveness, especially for conditions often mistaken for dementia.

🧬 What You’ll Learn:
– The life-changing impact of pharmacogenomic testing explained through personal stories.
– Why your genetic makeup means the difference between treatment success and failure.
– The practical steps to getting pharmacogenomic testing for you or your loved ones.
– The potential future of medicine where treatment is tailored to individual genetic profiles.

🌟 Why This Matters:
Ever wonder why some medications work wonders for some but not for others? Or why some people experience severe side effects from common treatments? This video is a must-watch for anyone interested in how cutting-edge genetic testing is transforming our approach to healthcare and can be the key to effective and safe treatment.

Disclaimer: The viewpoints expressed by Dr. Adijana Kekic in this video are based on her personal and professional experiences. They do not represent the views or policies of her institution. Dr. Kekic provides her insights independently to share her expertise in pharmacogenomics and its impact on healthcare.

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#DementiaCare #DementiaAwareness #CaregiverSupport #DementiaHelp #CaregivingTips #Pharmacogenomics #GeneticTesting #DNAandHealth #DrugResponse #DNAandMedication #genetics
📜 DISCLAIMER: The content of this video – or any content by Dementia Careblazers – does not replace the need for healthcare professionals. Our content is not healthcare advice and is not a substitute for your own healthcare. It is for general education only. Do not use this content to self-diagnose or self-treat any health, medical, or physical condition. By consuming content from Dementia Careblazers, you agree to hold harmless and indemnify Dementia Careblazers LLC for any and all losses, injuries, or damages resulting from any and all claims that arise from your use or misuse of this content. All content or recommendations on the company’s website, social media, blog, or email series. All comments from Dementia Careblazers’ are expressions of opinion only.

👩‍🔬 I’m Dr. Natali Edmonds, a board-certified geropsychologist. (A clinical psychologist who specializes in working with older adults.) One day, while hiking a trail, I came up with the idea for Careblazers and I decided to see if posting videos online could provide help to the many other Careblazers in the world who don’t get to have help come directly to them in their homes. I hope that this work helps you in some way on your caregiving journey.
It’s our mission to make dementia caregiving easier for families caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease, frontotemporal dementia, lewy body dementia, vascular dementia, or any other type of dementia. We believe that in order to create a more dementia friendly world, we must first create a caregiver friendly world. That’s why we create free educational training videos like this one so that anyone with an internet connection can get access to dementia care information.
#careblazer #dementia #dementiacare

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