FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART II
FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART II

How to Boost Mental Wellness at Work [Video]

Dementia and Alzheimer's Quality of Life

How to Boost Mental Wellness at Work #wellnessatwork #worklifebalance

✨ Strategies to Boost Mental Wellness at Work ✨

#executivecoach #LeadershipDevelopment #strategicadvisor

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Promoting mental health in the workplace is not just a moral obligation for leaders; it’s a strategic imperative that directly impacts organizational success and sustainability. As we navigate increasingly complex work environments, the importance of mental well-being has come to the forefront. As a leadership, executive coach, and brand strategist, join me as I discuss at AMNorthwest with Helen five inexpensive ways leaders can effectively support the mental health of their employees, helping to avoid stress and burnout.

1. Talk About It: Foster an open and supportive culture that encourages an environment where discussing mental health is normalized and seeking help is seen as a strength. For example, at your daily or weekly team meetings, ask how team members take care of themselves, engage in self-care, or protect their overall wellness.

2.Be Flexible: Implement flexible work arrangements. Offer flexibility in work schedules and locations to help employees manage work-life balance more effectively. For example, make it easy for employees to swap schedules or shifts not just for emergencies but also because they need a mental health day.

3. Provide Resources: Ensure employees have easy access to mental health resources and support services, such as counseling and stress management programs. For example, have different local resources come in and give a talk at a team meeting, provide links, and find ways to offer discounts for your team.

4. Really Encourage Time Off: Promote a work culture that values breaks and vacation time to prevent burnout and support overall well-being. For example, don’t reach out to your team while they’re on vacation, don’t ask them to shorten a vacation or time off, and insist they not work and take time off even if it’s a stay-cation.

5. Create Support Groups: Create structured opportunities for employees to form peer support groups where they can share experiences, strategies for coping with stress, and mutual support. For example, offer employees a safe space and time to connect regularly and promote wellness activities.
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