Dementia and Alzheimer's Support Groups

How Designing Your Home Care Team Immediately Relieves Dementia Burden With Mike George [Video]

How Designing Your Home Care Team Immediately Relieves Dementia Burden With Mike George

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the responsibilities of caregiving for a loved one with dementia? Many caregivers navigate this journey alone for far too long, unaware of the immense relief that building a home care team can bring.

This episode features Mike George from Soaring Families, where the discussion revolves around designing a home care team for family caregivers of individuals living with dementia. The focus is on relieving caregiver burden and ensuring endurance for the caregiving journey. Mike shares his personal experience as a family caregiver and emphasizes the importance of building a support team to share the load effectively.

We also talk about the challenges faced by family caregivers, particularly in starting the caregiving journey without a structured support system in place. Mike highlights the need for family caregivers to recognize the benefits of creating a care team early on to prevent burnout and stress. The importance of setting up the right environment in the home for caregivers is also discussed, including establishing boundaries and privacy considerations.

Building Your Care Circle Early

The key to enduring the caregiving marathon is establishing your support network early. Waiting until you’re at your wit’s end to seek help often leads to burnout. By proactively designing a home care team, caregivers can share the load, ensuring they have the stamina for their caregiving journey.

The Magic of Shared Caregiving

Mike George shares his insights on the transformative power of shared caregiving. With 30 years of personal caregiving experience, Mike emphasizes the importance of a care circle or team in fostering a fulfilling life for both caregivers and their loved ones. This approach doesn’t just distribute the workload—it also opens up opportunities for caregivers to thrive and enjoy life alongside their caregiving duties.

Customizing Your Care Team

Not all care teams look the same. Each family’s needs are unique, demanding a personalized approach to assembling their circle of care. From deciding where you need the most help to gradually introducing new members to the team, it’s about crafting a support system that aligns with your specific situation. This careful, step-by-step process ensures that caregivers can progressively build a robust network of support that grows with their needs.

Overcoming Trust Barriers

Trust is a cornerstone of effective caregiving relationships. Starting small and allowing time to build trust with new team members can make a significant difference. Through a combination of due diligence, clear communication of expectations, and a probationary period, caregivers can create a positive and secure environment that benefits everyone involved.

The Power of Email Coaching

Recognizing the busy lives of caregivers, Soaring Families offers email coaching as a flexible support option. This innovative approach allows caregivers to receive personalized advice and support at their own pace, breaking down the barriers to accessing the help they need.

A Call to Action for Caregivers

The message is clear: don’t wait until you’re overwhelmed to build your home care team. By starting early, focusing on trust, and customizing your approach, you can create a supportive circle that not only makes caregiving manageable but also enhances the quality of life for both you and your loved one. Reach out, explore your options, and take that first step towards a more supported caregiving journey today.

Soaring Families Website:

LinkedIn of Mike George:

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