For over a decade, the Nutrition Rehabilitation Home in Chitwan District in southern Nepal has been offering children and their caregivers crucial support and guidance in countering malnutrition


Chitwan, Nepal: Geeta Sapkota smiles as she watches her three-year-old daughter Girisha , sitting on the porch of Geeta’s parents’ home in Ratnanagar in Chitwan District in southern Nepal. Together with the banana and an apple, Girisha has also finished off a small plate of jaulo – a porridge-like mix of rice and pulses – as part of her late afternoon meal.

UNICEF Nepal/2021/RUpadhayay
Geeta Sapkota with daughter Girisha

“It used to be so difficult to get her to try anything just a few months ago,” Geeta recalls. “And now she will happily eat whatever we give her, especially fruits – she loves fruits.”

Girisha’s diet and health had long worried Geeta. From the very beginning, the little girl was prone to falling ill and …