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Improvement in Alzheimer’s [Video]

Dementia and Alzheimer's Research and Advances

Improvement in Alzheimer’s

Last week we shared that Dr. Dean Ornish was doing a study on a Whole Food Plant Based (WFPB) diet’s effect on the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease. It has been published in a leading Alzheimer’s Translational Research Journal and it shows significant improvement in mental cognition and function after 20 weeks of eating a WFPB diet with patients diagnosed with early stage Alzheimer’s.
That’s just 5 months of eating WFPB and people were finding their cognitive function being restored after decline.
This was a controlled study and showed that 70% of the patients who ate whole food plant based had stabilized or improved. Interestingly, those who didn’t eat whole food plant based continued to decline.
Today we’ll share another video from Dr. Greger on Dr. Ornish’s research that points out that the significance of these findings is not only statistical, but also has impact on patient’s lives in remarkable ways.
We love that last statement on the video that “Biopharma companies have invested billions of dollars in the effort to find medications to treat the disease, but only two Alzheimer’s drugs have been approved in the past 20 years – one of which was recently taken off the market, and the other is minimally effective and extremely expensive and often has serious side effects such as brain swelling or bleeding into the brain.
In contrast, the intensive lifestyle changes implemented in this study have been shown to improve cognition and function, at a fraction of the cost – and the only side effects are positive ones.”

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FAQs About GiveTaxFree Answered! PART II