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Assessing Current Care and Finding New Options [Video]

Dementia and Alzheimer's Caregiving

Assessing Current Care and Finding New Options

If you’re considering whether your loved one is receiving the right amount of care at home or in a care facility, here are some important questions to ask yourself:

Assessing Current Care
How do you feel about the care your loved one is receiving?

Reflect on your overall satisfaction with the care. Are there specific areas where you feel more support is needed?
Do you worry about your loved one?

Consider the frequency and reasons behind your worries. Are they related to their physical health, emotional well-being, or safety?
Are they safe at home?

Evaluate their living environment for potential hazards. Are mobility aids in place, and is their home adapted to their needs?

Evaluating Care at a Facility
Are they at a care home or assisted living community and receiving the right amount of care?

Assess whether the level of care aligns with their current needs. Are there signs that their care plan should be adjusted?

Indicators of Quality Care
Physical Health:

Are they receiving regular medical check-ups and timely medical attention?

Are their health conditions being managed effectively?

Emotional and Social Well-being:
Do they have opportunities for social interaction and activities that engage them? Are they showing signs of loneliness or depression?

Nutrition and Meals:
Are they getting nutritious meals and staying hydrated? Is there assistance available if they have difficulty eating or preparing meals?

Personal Hygiene:
Are they easily maintaining personal hygiene? Is there support for bathing, dressing, and grooming, if needed?

Communication with Care Providers:
Do you have open lines of communication with their caregivers or facility staff? Are your concerns and questions addressed promptly?
Responsiveness to Changes:

How quickly do caregivers or the facility respond to changes in your loved one’s condition or care needs?

Reflecting on these questions can help you gauge whether your loved one is receiving appropriate care and identify any areas that might need improvement. Regularly discussing these concerns with care providers can help ensure that your loved one’s needs are being met effectively.
If you notice these signs, it is time to take action. Give me a call for a 20-minute over-the-phone assessment. I am also happy to come out and meet your loved one in person.


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Even when selecting an assisted living community or care home personality match of the other residents and the staff are critical to a successful long term relationship.

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What you need to know about GIVETAXFREE.ORG